Lisa Hamilton-Smith

Dreams Architect and Changemaker

I Change Lives and Make Dreams Become Reality

Are You Living Life on Purpose with Passion and Love?

Do You Have What You Really Want!

Our program helps women find their joy for living, and create a life blueprint for change so they can have what they really want.

I will work closely with women to turn their boldest goals into a reality and harness the tools to both find your true self and then make lasting change.

Lisa with her passion of horses

Lisa dreamed of riding horses all day long and competing for her country. As an equestrian coach, and trainer, as well as Olympic Judge at, Atlant, Athens and London, Lisa's dreams became reality


Your Catalyst for Your Dreams.

Lisa Hamilton-Smith is an NLP Life Coach and Business Coach, trained with Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Russell Brunson and many others to be a coach with a passion for helping women find their passion and create a life they truly love. She has a degree in business and marketing, has been a national champion dressage rider, lone parent to an amazing 24 year old son and lived a life of adventure, and as a professional equestrain coach before speciallizing in changing lives.

Lisa has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for her clients, thanks to her "out of the box" thinking and incredible "there must be a way" attitude. She has a unique ability to turn challenges into solutions and is well-regarded by her clients for her exceptional communication skills.

Her exceptional compassion and understanding of women, based on her education and broad life experiences, and what women want, enables her to create programs that transform lives and lead women to places they did not dare to even consider.


What Do You Really Want

Finding You! A Journey to Purpose

  • 6 week program delivered one to one
  • Find Out Who You are
  • What you really want
  • Your true purpose
  • Creating a strategy to implement your New You

The price for this service starts at $2,897.

Relight your Fire and Ignite Your Passions

  • 6 week program delivered in a group
  • Deep dive into whats stopping you
  • Becoming unstoppable
  • Manifest Your Vision
  • Design Your Life on Purpose
  • Live with Power

The price for this service starts at $5,997.

Dream Life Mastermind

  • A year long journey of Discovery
  • Create Passion to Profit in every aspect you desire

The price for this service starts at $24,000.

What Women Want Book

  • Become part of the research of the biggest book for women ever written. What do Women Really want (and how to get it)
  • interviewing over 1000 women
  • Email to apply to be interviewed

Email for application for intertview


"Lisa ia a unique soul, kind and slightly crazy in wonderful way, she changed my daughters life through her passion of horses."

Jo Harding

"Hey Lisa, not sure if you remember me from school, but I have watched you for years now, I just wanted to say Never Stop what your are doing."

Cheryl Poppe

"Heart of gold and an incredible intuitive and empathetic coach"

David Lande


Unleash Your Next Chapter with Me

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The Dream Life Podcast

Stories of People who have made their dreams come true and made it through to a life they love

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